This series of films was produced for Birmingham Community Empowerment Network. The films explore what diversity actually means in the context of shaping service provision to meet the needs of Birmingham’s diverse communities. Is our diversity a threat? Or an opportunity?
Hailie Selassie Peace Foundation – B:CEN Diversity Networks
Itabarica Napthali speaks about the work of the Hailie Selassie Peace Foundation in Handsworth, Birmingham. What motivates people to get involved in community activity and what role does faith play in regenerating communities?
Podminions – B:CEN Diversity Networks
Hamza and Max are two teenagers that live in Bournville, Birmingham. They want to be involved in their local communities, they want to be taken seriously and they want to be able to influence decision makers. Some say they aren’t average teenagers – they are however teenagers that want to make things different.
Birmingham Community Pride Trust – B:CEN Diversity Networks
Lesley and Steve are both from the Pride Trust – an organisation based in Birmingham that works for the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual community. Lesley and Steve talk about the work they are doing, highlight the difficulties that the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual community face and describe the lack of understanding around ‘multiple identities’.
Disability Network – B:CEN Diversity Networks
Mark is a resident of Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, he has been company secretary, organiser and an active member of the Birmingham Community Empowerment Network and it’s networks. Mark is also disabled – but wants people to see more than just his disability.
Naseem Akhtar – B:CEN Diversity Networks
Naseem Akhtar on public services fit for today’s Birmingham. Naseem is from Balsall Heath in Birmingham and has worked tirelessly to get local woman and girls involved in their neighbourhoods. Naseem talks about how she has achieved this and what sometimes stands in the way of our talented city.
WAITS – B:CEN Diversity Networks
‘Women Acting In Today’s Society’ work to empower and enable women to play an active role in their communities. Women on a training event speak about what networking means to them.