Me and My Movie

If you’re wanting to make a film and are intimidated by your lack of experience, equipment or time, look no further than the BBC’s ‘Me and My Movie’ project for inspiration!  In one short day I worked with a group of young people to help them to produce their own news programme and game show ‘Movillionaire!’

The project is part of a BBC funded scheme whereby young people are being encouraged to come into the BBC’s regional offices and make shorts to be entered into a competition in collaboration with Blue Peter and the BAFTAs!

We had a fantastic day producing the film and in a few short hours managed to come up with ideas, produce a storyboard, do a recce, learn how to film, do a live shoot and then edit the footage into a two minute film, complete with funny costumes!  Phew!

If you would like to do a similar project then why not get in touch?  Or, check out the BBC’s wonderful range of online resources for inspiration!