Celebrating our services – Respite Care

I’ve listened to the news with horror over the past few months as more and more news is emerging about local authorities and NHS Trusts slashing budgets for some really crucial and valued services.  I’ve been lucky enough to go into libraries, care homes, hospitals, schools, Children’s Centres, arts projects and youth clubs across the West Midlands and see first hand the marvelous work that people are doing – often on limited resources.    The idea that these valuable resources are under threat fills me with dismay.

A few weeks ago there was the news story that a mother is considering putting her daughter into full time care as local respite care services are being stopped.  I saw myself how valuable respite care is to families last year when I was commissioned to produce a film for a Respite Care Centre, Edgewood Road, in Kings Norton.  200 DVDs were produced to go out to families who are considering using the service.  It has also been shown to the Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust Board who are so impressed by the work taking place there that they have recently requested that the film is added to the Trust’s website! You can view it on the main page here (though I’m not sure how long it will be up for).

Edgewood Road

I really hope that this film can play a small part in acknowledging the importance of the service and helping to ensure that services continue with the funding that is needed. In our society it’s crucial that we ensure no-one is ever faced with raising a child with severe disabilities without support. And it’s the most fundamental thing that children with disabilities, some of whom will not experience adulthood, have the opportunities to enjoy their childhood.

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