The Care Act – the Nottinghamshire Experience

Summer 2016 is knocking on the door.  OK, well not today.  Today it’s raining, but this past weekend the sun was beating down on the bluebells and blossom.  I’m ever the optimist!  Anyhow, it’s reminded me that it’s getting on for a year since last summer’s excursions up to Nottinghamshire with Sam and James from Iconic Productions and I’ve still not blogged about it properly.  The reason?  I helped them to produce a suite of films for Nottinghamshire County Council to explore aspects of the Care Act – how it affects both statutory and third sector organisations, what the public need to know, what is being done on a local level to provide excellent care for adults who have care needs.  I was mainly involved in interviewing – and there were some really fascinating stories to be told, like this film incorporating Julie’s story.

Strength Based Approach from Iconic Productions on Vimeo.

There is quite a range of different films incorporating interviews, presentations, animation and motion graphics.  Plus a voice that you may recognise.  You can view the whole suite of films on Iconic Productions’ Vimeo site, but I particularly like this short animation.  Meet Bob.

Strength Based Support Animation from Iconic Productions on Vimeo.

And if that impresses you, have a look at Iconic Productions’ 2016 showreel.  Talented, talented people.

Iconic Productions – Showreel 2016 from Iconic Productions on Vimeo.